The secrets of the Hospital F.

More than 120 thousand square meters of hospital complex, a world excellence inaugurated in 1934, a example of architecture and functionality perfectly autonomous. A city in the city, a corner of paradise for those who experienced the hell of pain and the humiliation of isolation.

With the advent of modern drugs and the defeat of TB, the monumental structure became progressively transformed from a coveted and thaumaturgical place into a heavy burden for the local administration that in 2015 decided its final closure.

The gate of the monumental entrance thus closed to hope, leaving it to the rooms abandoned the task of guarding what had made that unique and known throughout the world complex: pains, hopes, research, work, dedication, skills.

Secrets that today we can only imagine where almost everything is abandonment, silence and sometimes also irrational looting.

PHOTOS ON DISPLAY AT THE EXHIBITION OF THE MEMBERS OF OFFICINE FOTOGRAFICHE: “A PHOTOGRAPHIC BRIDGE” walkway of the Metro B Garbatella stop Rome from 19 September to 18 October 2019



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